Right at the start of my rollercoaster I hit the Internet like a fiend….I scoured every website desperate for help….anything that would give me guidance on how to make right on the Melanoma monster.
There is more than enough evidence now that indicates that Melanoma is addicted to glucose – and enough documentation to suggest that there are 2 things Cancer (any type) likes best…..a host with a bad diet & a body that isn’t regularly active.
I looked at everything….I rejected the Gerson technique because quite frankly my derrière & I were not too keen on the idea of the daily Enemas.I have become convinced that to fight cancer…before…during and after diagnosis…the fight needs to start wth food. The website link at the bottom explains it well – and although I don’t agree / encourage everything they suggest….it does reiterate the changes I have made to my diet…reduce processed foods, refined flour & sugar, alcohol (Red wine excluded) and….meat…specifically Red meat.
I didn’t get rid of it exactly…..just that gradually our family diet changed….instead of beef mince we would use turkey mince….instead of Beef roast on a Sunday we would have pork…..and then that changed to chicken or fish.
When I went to Stockholm last year I was surprised at how much red meat we ate – and realised that apart from every couple of weeks I wasn’t eating Red meat of any kind….but I hadn’t been actively avoiding it…just…not choosing to eat it.
Since then….especially because of the separate Colon issues I have cut red meat out of my diet completely.
I don’t know if I am happy about my decision.
I don’t think I want Pork to come under the banner of “Red meat”.
I know I am doing the right thing…..but actually doing it is….trickier.
I went out a few weeks ago & because I was going out I took The Mr and The Little People to the supermarket to choose their dinner for that night….they could have chosen anything to eat in my absence…they chose steak!
I have tried to introduce a “Meatless Monday”….and been asked nicely if I would consider going out with my friends on a Monday …so the path of no-meat isn’t really welcome in our family….and that is fine by me.
Amusingly – in the middle of all my “mindblip” over the last few months I had been exhausted….and no at the time I didn’t put logic into the mix & think….of course you are tired you have just started a new job or are stressed with a hideous ex-boss making life miserable.
Nor did I think….Red Meat = Iron & I am not taking my supplements & haven’t replaced that Iron with enough green veg because life has been so manic ….I was tired because my body was telling me if you remove X you must replace it with Y or end up very ZZZZZZ.
The primary function of Iron is to oxygenate the blood which in turn helps oxygenate the whole body….women need more Iron than men…which I find quite unusual from a “food” point of view – women need to eat less….consume less calories…yet our bodies require more than twice as much Iron a day than men…or we get tired…anaemic….grumpy….or as we put it in my house (at certain times of the month when Iron levels are especially low)…Hormental!.
Weblink about Cancer survival in Alkaline oxygenated environments