Firstly I want to say thank you very much for the amazing messages & kind words after my last blog post. I really am very grateful to have such support x
I was obviously delighted to get the all clear again & once I had it I literally couldn’t wait to tell you because happiness is infectious. First I was happy dancing because of getting good news & then I sat on my happy cloud looking down and imagining you all shaking your tushes too!
But that is mushy……and soppy and therefore I feel it is my complete duty to torture you!
Actual real torture.
And potentially a giggle too…..
I mentioned a month ago that I was interviewed by a lovely lady called Rosie aka “The Sound Doctor” who interviewed me on behalf of the NHS Choices radio. (click the link below to listen!)
There is that hindsight thing when time passes between doing an interview & hearing it….did I say everything I wanted to say (almost)… am I happy with how I came across (yes…but I hate that stupid giggle thing I did).
There are drugs for Melanoma…not many and some have vicious side effects. If our Cancer progresses & we get the drugs we cope with whatever side effects there are because sadly there are no other options.
No treatment until things progress and no cure when it has.
The best possible scenario is that anyone’s Melanoma is removed before it ever reaches 0.5mm – thereby never getting the opportunity to cause the damage that mine has.
Mine wasn’t removed early enough. I was let down by a system on multiple levels….I did seek 2nd opinions…I was actually seen by 3 different Dermatologists who all advised that the Mole was not cancerous and wouldn’t need to be removed.
Hindsight again…..the learning needs to start at the beginning….at some point the pattern needs to change so that we start to change the cycle of fixing a problem “afterwards” to taking action earlier.
I hope that using my voice to talk about the irreparable damage of excessive sun exposure people will stop & think about their skin in the sun. I hope that in future no patient ever has to ask “demand” that a mole is removed…especially when outwardly it shows all the signs of being a problem.
Lastly I hope that when my time comes I respond to whatever drug treatments are available….and the frightening thing right now is that the Cancer Drugs Fund just announced they have overspent. That means that many patients who desperately need drugs won’t get them, despite treatments being approved for use.
My Voice is out there…& I will continue to use it for as long as I can.
But I think I might need a bigger voice…