8. The Oncologist

First can I say I never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever be writing a blog post about a visit to an Oncologist to discuss me.
On Monday The Mr & I nervously head towards the appointment booked Read the rest

7. Leg Infection & Birthday!

After much debate at work my boss agrees that I can work from home the week after my re excision of my leg. This will give my leg a fighting chance of recovering & I seeing as I can easily Read the rest

6. Mole Mapping

My Leg infection has by now started to make my leg look a bit manky – and the small scar has started to weep so I have it covered up with a bandage. I don’t see the point in going Read the rest

5. Leg, France & Leg again!

Backtracking slightly – when I met with the Dermatolist Nurse Daisy on the Tuesday & had my back operated on she looked at a mole I had on my leg that was quite large “we need to take that off” Read the rest

4. The CT Scan

So it is evident that I need a CT Scan….& we have been informed they definitely want to do one & an appointment will be posted out to me.
We have been online – we have started to look at Read the rest

3. Bad Diagnosis

The next 4 weeks were a blur of appointments and filled with fear as we researched online and gradually started to accept the diagnosis that I had just been given – Malignant Melanoma.
At the point of the operation on Read the rest

2. The Back Story Part 2

The offending Mole from my back had been removed on the 7th May.
I hadn’t heard a thing from my GP surgery so assumed all was well as had been with all my previous moles – just to be sure Read the rest

1. The Back Story – pun intended!

IMG_1780.jpgSome time towards the end of the summer 2012 I noticed a Mole on my back that I wasn’t happy with – it looked irregular – it was about 5mm wide at the time & a bit scabby on the Read the rest