88. Big Plans Afoot

I know I am a week late….but Happy New Year!
We decided to continue our quest to mark momentous occasions with fun & sparkle…if not from a bottle or as a result of the Little peoples personalities, then with more Read the rest

87. Christmas No.3

First take a moment to read that title again…Christmas No 3! The 3rd Christmas I have enjoyed & celebrated with my loved ones post Melanoma diagnosis – and still NED!
I want to say it gets easier…and in many ways Read the rest

86. I’m a C.I.C

I know, I know….there are rules…no acronym’s that need the assistance of a search engine to understand.
I’ve been working on a Melanoma project for coming up to a year now & today the post brought me a little reward.Read the rest

85. Special Science in Sweden

One of the things that I have always been aware of since diagnosis is my lack of scientific knowledge. It seems ludicrous in so many ways that as a patient I would be worried about this sort of thing….and yet Read the rest

84. The weight of Cancer

This place in limbo land is a blessing.
One I all too often under-emphasise….I don’t respect enough just how lucky I am to be in this black hole of unknown, waiting for the monster that is Melanoma to strike.
I Read the rest

83. Let’s talk Drugs

20150927_180827One of the greatest personal “take homes” from #ECC2015 was a far better understanding of the latest round of Melanoma drugs.
You need to know that I didn’t go to ECCO thinking I would be given a fix….I didn’t expect Read the rest

82. My head went BOOM!

20150926_114024Prior to Melanoma I had never even heard of “ECCO”…but then in fairness,I had never heard of Melanoma!
ECCO is a huge conference for European Oncologists & those connected to the 20150925_160346field….when I say huge I mean roughly 20,000 people Read the rest

81. Voice Activated

Firstly I want to say thank you very much for the amazing messages & kind words after my last blog post. I really am very grateful to have such support x
I was obviously delighted to get the all clear Read the rest

80. And…..breathe!

It’s been a whole entire month since my last blog post.
A whole month.…exactly….to the day, since I had my “annual CT scan”. That is a long time….
On one hand that’s another 30 days on this planet without incidence Read the rest

79. Happy Twist to the CT

It’s quite a big thing, a CT scan….and I have existed in this robotic world of just getting on with things that you almost forget that it isn’t “normal” having to drive 1 ½ hours away to get a CT Read the rest